The TeamViewer subscription licensing model is here!
Markets are moving at blistering speeds and decision making needs to keep up.
That’s why businesses are demanding process simplification on all levels.
Discover why customers are moving to our new subscription model to simplify the licensing process, deliver greater technical benefits and improve cost manageability.
Reducing complexity
Eliminate support incompatibility issues and license management chaos by keeping all users on the latest software version.
Stay up to date.
Be the first to benefit from the latest features, improvements and integrations with other platforms, like Microsoft InTune or Salesforce.
Guaranteeing support
Subscription includes software support removing any time-consuming coverage uncertainties in the moment of need.
Increasing financial flexibility
Smarter economics
Move from capital expenditure to operational expenditure, conserve cash and match expense periods.
Better cost control.
The finance department can accurately predict it’s costs over time, stay within budget and avoid long term contract lock-in.
Simplifying process
Easier to order software. Scale up or scale down licensing in lockstep with business growth and performance
Improving business imperatives.
Reducing innovation risk
Our IoT customers are pioneering new solutions everyday. Subscription licensing lowers the associated risks and up front costs.
Cutting down costs
Eliminate any possibilities of “Shelf ware” and prevent the tendency to become over-subscribed when planning for growth.
Strengthen relationships
Remove misunderstandings between IT, Finance and HR as licensing costs and needs for business growth are better understood.
Key Takeaways
- Customers benefit from our latest software, and subscription-exclusive features like servicecamp.
- Our subscription model enables a flexible system for payment of software, usage & support
- In a fast changing world our subscription licensing is tailored to customer’s reality
- Great discounts are available for existing customers switching to subscription.